Author: lucaseilers


December 2, 2020

Happy December! Can you believe this unprecedented year will soon be coming to a close? Despite the challenges 2020 has brought to the table, we remain hopeful and continue to focus on the people and experiences that matter most. With that in mind, we are delighted to share a number of events that will be […]

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November 19, 2020

We can hardly believe it’s mid-November – Santa will be loading his sleigh before we know it! And although many of us are looking forward to waving 2020 goodbye, we believe the challenges that were placed before us were reminders of two very important truths: our community is one of the strongest and most generous […]

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September 15, 2020

The moment we’ve anxiously been waiting for has finally arrived! Our book, Expressive Interiors: Designing An Inviting Home, debuts TODAY and we couldn’t be more thrilled to share this momentous occasion with you. It takes a village to produce a book and our amazing villagers have made this journey such an enjoyable ride. You could say the […]

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August 19, 2020

We hope this finds you doing well! It’s been an interesting summer, to say the least. Life as we all know it continues to shift and change. If we’ve learned anything during this global pandemic, it’s that there’s  no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to tackle the day-to-day. But thankfully every challenge creates an opportunity. The […]

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July 16, 2020

It’s difficult to believe that July is well underway, while at the same time, everything the world has been facing makes it feel as though the year should be coming to a close! Amidst the chaos, we feel so fortunate that we are able to continue finding joy and inspiration working alongside our wonderful clients.  Last week, we […]

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