Interior Design


February 10, 2017

What fun to travel to Orlando to attend KBIS (Kitchen and Bath Industry Show) with Blog Tour 2017 presented by Modenus. The design innovations and new products provided great inspiration to start the New Year. Several great sponsors invited us to learn about their latest and greatest products. We are looking forward to incorporating these new […]

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October 20, 2016

9 months ago we began a quest to define and explore the elements and principles of interior design. We’ve covered balance, harmony, scale, proportion, rhythm, texture, pattern, color, line, space, shape, and light in previous blog posts. Today, we’re wrapping up the series by discussing form and mass. A recent trip to Italy to celebrate […]

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September 18, 2016

As we near the end of our Elements and Principle series, we come to an element that is especially essential in interior design. Lighting, of course, is what allows us to see the spaces in which we live. How we approach lighting within a space is crucial – and affects how the viewer perceives the […]

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August 15, 2016

Last month, in our 6th installment of the L/E Journal’s Elements & Principles of Design series, we explored how color can powerfully transform a composition in design. Today, we’re taking a closer look at lines – how they affect our perception of a room, and how they help to delineate different spaces and shapes. Different […]

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June 6, 2016

Today, as we near the halfway mark of this series on the elements and principles of design, we’re expanding our perspectives thanks to the very talented Vicente Wolf, whose incredible design portfolio has been recognized globally. In Wolf’s recently published book, “The Four Elements of Design,” he delves into his belief that the classical elements […]

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